Still the funny man, he has eye rolls and head tilts that will drop you to the floor laughing. Maybe these things are what have loosened me up as a mom, who could scold a child with such comedic timing? The family is constantly finding themselves laughing behind books, hands, anything to throw in front of their faces, while trying to be firm about whatever he's not supposed to be doing. He has taken a liking to a pair of blue rain boots that I purchased for Alyssa when she was about his age. They were in perfect condition when he confiscated them, but now, they are broken at the ankles and smell like we have kept garbage in them for the past 6 years. He LOVES these boots, first thing in the morning he puts them on and he reluctantly relinquishes them at night...he would sleep in them if I let him. You can literally smell them when he walks up to you. His Mimi and his Granny and Poppa have tried, in vain, to convince him he needs a new pair, but he has made it clear that there is no other pair of boots for him. He also has a cowboy hat that Alyssa gave him (more like gave up on ever getting it back) and he wears it regularly. It is made of plastic and has been stepped on so many times it's cracked and well worn. Again, not even a new, real cowboy hat would convince him to change over. He is clearly paving a fashion path all his own.
Some of the other things that he loves: Star Wars toys, particularly Storm Troopers, cars, all things Scooby-Doo, watching his sisters and daddy play video games (while holding his own Spiderman controller), all Superheroes and their villainous counterparts, reading books, scrambled eggs, playing outside, his double barrel shotgun (yes, it's a toy!) and poking people (he thinks this is hilarious). He can sit by the bookshelf for 30 minutes looking at various books and discussing them with himself. While playing in his room you can hear him have conversations with his toys and make up dialogue for his adventures, it's adorable. I am sure that it comes from being the third child but his vocabulary is large and he speaks in complete sentences when necessary. Both girls were not as verbal and spent some amount of time using baby signs to communicate. I never got a chance to teach him signs, as he was speaking before we ever thought he would. I am not at all trying to convince anyone (including myself) that he's some kind of genius, but we are all constantly amazed at his ability to carry on a conversation. He is also extremely adept at repeating what you have just said to him...sometimes this bites me in the butt...'nuff said.
And this is his smile.
Happy birthday buddy, we can't wait to see what you have accomplished next year!
Aww, what a beautiful testament to your funny little man! When he makes it big on the comic scene, I want tickets! ;)
Oh my god! LOOK at him when he was a newbie!!!
You know, the Simpsons made a little joke once: when Bart's toddling you see Marge rushing at him urgently to keep him out of trouble. When Lisa is toddling, Marge sets reasonable limits. Then you see Maggie drawing in permanent marker all over a snoozing Homer. Marge starts toward her, then says "Eh" and just goes back to what she was doing.
LOL! That's the story of us as parents, isn't it? We freak out about every little thing when the fragile newborn arrives, thinking it can crack like an egg. Then we begin to relax, hit our stride.
Well, you're the best mommy *I've* ever seen, and you can have that in writing, in a framed certificate. Your kids are wonderful. And they come by it naturally, because you are wonderful. Alyssa, the magnificent, sophisticated yet playful girl, Gwen the fierce and fearless explorer and tomboy, and Victor, aka Mister Personality! They all have the confidence to be themselves but are respectful and kind. (Outside of the privacy of your own home only, I am sure--that's how kids are!!) LOL. But seriously, I am amazed by them.
You totally grasped the heart of motherhood in this blog. I just love it. (PS Why don't YOU try being a professional writer?) ;p Having Zia makes me look at Guy and say, "When did he quit dumping stuff over just to see me set it all back up again? When did he start sitting down in restaurants? (tee hee) When did he get potty trained?" I almost cry when I think of time gone by.
Hey--at least Guy and Alyssa, and you and I, have spent the time together. Even separated by miles, we kept in touch the whole time. We've been friends almost as long as I've been married!!!
That was beautiful and wonderful! Thank you for sharing inner moments with your funny guy...we haven't gotten a chance to get to know him. For that I am sorry.
I think of all of you often! Glad you all are doing so well!
Hugs for everyone...
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